PAY-D-LAY (pronounced "Pay Delay"), Layaway Today! Is the simplest & most affordable online layaway platform on the market today, used by many retailers nationwide. It is completely versatile and can be used by any sized retailer big or small. It can be used for any product or service the retailer offers, and that the customer wants to purchase at any price. How it is used is limitless.
EVERYONE QUALIFIES: PAY-D-LAY does not require any qualification process. We do not conduct any credit checks, or ask for any sensitive or personal information, including ones social security number. If the layaway agreement between you and your retailer is satisfactory to you, Congratulations! You Got Your Layaway!
ASK YOUR RETAILER: Ask your retailer if they are willing to sell their products or services on a layaway basis. You can suggest they use our PAY-D-LAY Layaway Today! platform. Retailer does not have to be approved, and our layaway system can be used at anytime for anything immediately on the spot.
NO THIRD PARTY INVOLVEMENT: The entire layaway agreement from the beginning to the end, is strictly between the buyer and seller. No other party gets involved in any decision of the layaway process or agreement of layaway terms. (Not even PAY-D-LAY).
SIMPLE & AFFORDABLE PRICING: The $5.95 one time fee to access the PAY-D-LAY online platform, covers your layaway purchase no matter what the purchase price is. There are never any interest charges, or additional fees of any kind, as long as the layaway plan is fulfilled as agreed.
FIND YOUR PRODUCTS / SET UP THE AGREEMENT: Pick out the items that you want to purchase on layaway. The retailer will typically set up the layaway agreement through PAY-D-LAY. Make sure that the layaway terms are satisfactory to you, and you are willing and able to abide by the terms of the layaway agreement until the end. This way you can fully complete your layaway agreenent, and take full possession of your items to enjoy them at your home.
LICENSE KEY SECURE: All purchases within the PAY-D-LAY platform are secured with an unique license key issued to each customer for every layaway purchase. This license key is issued only once and is not duplicated for any other purchase or customer. This assures that your purchase is securely yours, and matches you with your PAY-D-LAY purchase.
ENJOY YOUR PURCHASES: Buying something on layaway allows you to buy something that you might not have all the money for at the time of purchase. By completing the terms of the layaway agreement, you are able to bring home the items that you fully paid for. It is really a great way to buy something that you ordinarily wouldn't buy if it wasn't in your budget at the time of purchase.
We hope that you find PAY-D-LAY as an ideal solution for your layaway purchase. Thank You!
100% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! We guarantee complete customer satisfaction with every PAY-D-LAY purchase, and will try to make every customer transaction an enjoyable one. Please let us know how your layaway experience was, and any suggestions on how it could of been improved. Let us know.
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